Course Curriculum

  • 01


  • 02

    Installation of FTK Imager

    • Required Files

    • Install FTK Locally

    • Install FTK on a Portable Device (USB)

  • 03

    Evidence Acquisition

    • Required Files

    • Digital Evidence Acquisition

    • Memory Acquisition

    • Disk Acquisition

    • Exercise #1

    • Solutions #1

    • Image Format Lab

    • Image Format Lab_Solution

    • Logical & Physical Lab

    • Logical & Physical Lab_Solution

  • 04

    Attach an Evidence Item

    • Required Files

    • Add Evidence Item to FTK Imager

    • Create and verify a multi-part disk images

    • Loading a multi-part disk image

  • 05

    Evidence Analysis

    • Required Files

    • Evidence Analysis

    • Exporting Data using FTK Imager

    • Detect EFS Encryption

    • Exercise #2

    • Solution Exercise #2

  • 06

    Acquiring Protected Registry Files

    • Acquiring Protected Registry Files

    • Copying Registry Files

  • 07

    Interpreter in FTK

    • Required Files

    • Interpreter

    • Exercise #3

    • Exercise#3 Solution

  • 08

    Create Images with Advanced Features

    • Required Files

    • Custom Content Images

    • AD Encryption

    • Exercise #4

    • Exercise#4 Solutions

  • 09

    Image Mounting

    • Required Files

    • Image Mounting

    • Steps of Image Mounting

    • Mount Multi-Part Raw Disk Image with FTK

  • 10


    • Chapter Summary

4 CPE Credits

After completing this course, you will earn:

Learning Outcomes

This course demonstrates the skills that you need to master the FTK Imager tool.

  • Install FTK Imager on local machine or portable devices

  • Use FTK Imager for evidence acquisition and evidence analysis, including memory and disk imaging

  • Encrypt and decrypt a forensic image

  • Demonstrate different exporting features in FTK Imager

  • Use the hex value interprete

  • Acquire protected files

  • Mount Forensic Images

Technical Requirements

For the hands-on labs in this course

  • Windows 10 operating system (recommended)

  • Internet Connection

  • A USB flash of any size

Course Reviews

What Other People Said About This Course

“Good explanation of how to work with FTK Imager with the different features available.”

Felipe Cru

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