Course Curriculum

  • 01

    Module 1: Welcome to Introduction to Linux Distribution

    • Welcome To The Linux Forensics Distributions

    • Survey

  • 02

    Module 2: Introduction to The Course

    • Introduction to Linux Forensics Distros

    • SANS Investigative Forensic Toolkit (SIFT)

    • Computer-Aided Investigative Environment (CAINE)


    • Security Onion

    • Kali Linux

    • TSURUGI Linux

  • 03

    Module 3: Conclusion and Recommendation

    • Conclusion

    • Recommendation

    • Before Completing

    • Have a question?!

2 CPE Credits

After completing this course, you will earn:

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Learn about the different Linux forensic distributions

Learning Outcomes

This course provides an intro to the different Linux forensic distributions.

  • Discover the most commonly used Linux distributions for digital forensics

  • Understand the key features of the mentioned distribution

  • Know the minimal requirements for distribution installation

Technical Requirements

  • None

Course Reviews

ali khojah

5 star rating

“Comprehensive and great”

“Comprehensive and great”

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Makambo Abdallah

5 star rating

“I find this course extremely relevant to my career and job”

“I find this course extremely relevant to my career and job”

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Sabeen Hussain

5 star rating

“excellent for understanding”

“excellent for understanding”

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