Course Curriculum

  • 01


    • Ubuntu Linux distribution

  • 02

    Linux Operating System

    • Linux Basics

  • 03

    Basic Commands

    • Required Files

    • Linux Basic Commands

    • Listing Files

    • Creating and Manipulating Files

    • Dealing with Large Text Files

    • Users

    • Bash/Shell Scripts using vim Command

  • 04

    Exercise #1

    • Exercise #1

    • Exercise #1 - Solution

  • 05

    Files in Linux

    • Required Files

    • Magic Values

    • The file command

    • Hidden Files

  • 06

    Exercise #2

    • Required Files

    • Exercise #2

    • Exercise #2 Solution

  • 07


    • Required Files

    • Searching Text Files

    • The find command

    • The grep command

    • The awk command

    • The sed command

  • 08

    Exercise #3

    • Exercise #3

    • Exercise #3 Solutions

  • 09

    More in Linux

    • Hashing

    • Collecting System Information

  • 10

    Exercise #4

    • Exercise #4

    • Exercise #4 - Solution

  • 11


    • Summary

    • References

2 CPE Credits

After completing this course, you will earn:

Get Started Now

Learn important concepts, such as shell, kernel, terminal, bash script. In addition, practice Linux commands, grep, find, file, awk, sed, and many others.

Learning Outcomes

This course demonstrates the skills that you need to manipulate and use the Linux operating system based on Ubuntu distribution.

  • Identify and summarize the Linux file system hierarchy

  • Apply basic Linux commands to extract information from the target system

  • Identify the types of files and apply search commands for files and data

  • Demonstrate Hashing

Technical Requirements

For the hands-on labs in this course

  • Ubuntu Linux

  • Internet Connection

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