Course Curriculum

  • 01


    • Introduction

  • 02


    • Understanding Bit/Bytes/Nibble and More

    • Understanding Bits, Bytes, Nibble - Video

    • Knowledge Check

  • 03


    • Timestamps

    • Blackberry Timestamps

    • Blackberry Timestamp - Video

    • Knowledge Check

    • BCD (Binary Coded Decimal)

    • BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) - Video

    • Knowledge Check

    • GSM Time

    • GSM Time - Video

    • Knowledge Check

    • LG/Samsung Time

    • LG/Samsung Time - Video

    • Knowledge Check

    • Epoch Times

    • Epoch Times - Video

    • Knowledge Check

    • Epoch, DCode, CyberChef - Video

    • HMFA Hex-120 without answers

  • 04


    • References

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, you will learn the following:

  • Understand Hex to Binary conversions

  • Understand how to reverse endianness of a hexadecimal number

  • Understand how to nibble swap

  • Familiarity with a variety of mobile timestamps

  • Ability to decode and encode common mobile timestamps

Technical Requirements

For the hands-on labs in this course

  • It is recommended that you take the C5W course COMPUTER DATA REPRESENTATION

  • Calculator with a Programmer Mode such as the Windows Calculator application

  • CyberChef

  • Epoch

  • DCode

  • Websites that may help with encoding and decoding

Course Reviews

Andrew Shidaker

5 star rating

“I enjoyed the content as it was developed and formatted well.”

“I enjoyed the content as it was developed and formatted well.”

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