Course Description

This course explores managed code vs. unmanaged code. Also, we'll explain the essential concepts for analyzing malware written in managed languages by using the real malware sample to practically understand how things are done.

Pricing Options

Kindly choose the enrollment pricing option that suits you best. If you're enrolling as a group or need a custom plan, please contact us. We're here to help!

  • Analyzing Managed and Scripting Malware

    Course Material + 40 hours of virtual lab access


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  • Analyzing Managed and Scripting Malware

    Course Material - No virtual lab access


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Course Curriculum

  • 01


    • Overview of Managed Code

    • Managed Code Vs Unmanaged Code

    • Significance of Managed Code in Malware Analysis

  • 02

    Analysis of .Net Malware

    • Static Analysis

    • Code Analysis

  • 03

    Advanced DNSPY Features

    • Execution Tracing

    • Conditional Breakpoint

    • Locals _ Watches

  • 04

    Scripts Analysis

    • Scripts Analysis

    • Lab #1

    • Lab #1 - Solutions

  • 05

    Documents Analysis

    • Documents Analysis

    • Lab #1

    • Lab #1 - Solutions

  • 06


    • Lab #1

    • Lab #1 - Solutions

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, you will learn the following:

  • Understanding what is managed code and what makes it different.

  • Understanding the additional benefits given to attackers when using Managed code for writing their malware.

  • Decompile and perform both static and dynamic analysis on Managed Code like “.NET”

  • Understand how compiled Python scripts can be reverted back to their source code.

  • Ability to use “dnspy” advanced features to speed up the analysis and overcome issues.

Technical Requirements

For the hands-on labs in this course

  • Internet Connection

  • Workstation with at least 16GB RAM and 100GB Disk Space

  • Operating System (Windows or Linux)

  • VirtualBox or VMWare (hypervisor)

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