This pathway includes the following courses

  • 01

    Introduction to Windows Forensics

    • Windows Basics

  • 02

    Recycle Bin

    • Recycle Bin

    • Tools Requirements

    • File Formats

    • Check-in Quiz

    • Check-in Quiz (Hands-on)

    • Using Recycle Bin Tools

    • Recovering Permanently Deleted Files

    • Required Files

    • Lab 01 - Recycle Bin

    • Lab 01 - Recycle Bin - Solutions

  • 03


    • Thumbnail Caches - Intro

    • Lab 01 - Thumbnails

    • Required Files

    • Lab 01 - Thumbnails Lab Solution

    • Lab 02 - Thumbnails

    • Lab 02 - Thumbnails Lab Solution

    • Lab 03 - Thumbnails (self-study)

    • Lab 03 - Thumbnails Lab Solution

  • 04

    LNK Files and Jump Lists

    • Introduction

    • Required Files

    • Lab 01 - LNK Files

    • Lab 01 - LNK Files Lab Solution

    • Lab 02 - LNK Files

    • Lab 02 - LNK Files Lab Solution

    • Lab 03 - LNK Files

    • Lab 03 - LNK Files Lab Solution

    • LNK Files, Zone Identifiers, and New Findings

    • Jump Lists

    • Lab 01 - Jump Lists

    • Lab 01 - Jump Lists Lab Solution

    • Required Files

    • Extra Reading

  • 05

    System and User Program Execution

    • Welcome to "Investigating Windows Program Executions"!

    • The Definition of Prefetch

    • Analyze Prefetch

    • PECmd

    • WinPrefetchView

    • Prefetch Lab

    • Prefetch Lab Solutions

    • The Definition of AmCache

    • Analyze AmCache

    • Registry Explorer

    • AmCacheParser

    • AmCache Lab

    • AmCache Lab Solutions

    • The Definition of AppCompatCache (Shimcache)

    • AppCompatCacheParser

    • RegRipper

    • AppCompatCache (Shimcache) Lab

    • AppCompatCache (Shimcache) Lab Solutions

    • The Definition of UserAssist

    • Analyze the UserAssist

    • UserAssist Lab

    • UserAssist Lab Solutions

    • The Definition of Background Activity Moderator (BAM)

    • Analyze BAM

    • Summary

    • Required Files

  • 06

    Investigating Windows System Registry Artifacts

    • Required Files

    • Welcome to Windows Registry

    • Windows Registry

    • The Structure of Windows Registry

    • Check Your Knowledge

    • Extract Hives through Command Line - Live System

    • Extract Hives through Registry Editor - Live System

    • Extract Hives through FTK Imager - Live System

    • Extract Hives through FTK Imager - Disk Image

    • Registry Explorer

    • RegRipper

    • Using the RegRipper GUI

    • RegRipper Command Line Tool

    • Autoruns

    • Download and Live System Analysis

    • Saved Hive / Offline Analysis

    • Investigating Windows Registry Hives: System Artifacts

    • Basic System Information

    • Basic System Information - Cont..

    • Check Your Knowledge

    • TimeZone

    • Check Your Knowledge

    • User Information

    • Security Identifier (SID)

    • Login Information

    • Internet Network Information

    • Check Your Knowledge

    • AppCompatCache or ShimCache

    • Other System Information

    • Malware

    • Exercises

    • Solutions

    • Summary

  • 07

    Investigating Windows User Registry Artifacts

    • Required Files

    • Before We Start

    • Windows Registry User Artifacts Introduction

    • NTUSER.DAT and USRCLASS.DAT File Extraction

    • View Files Through RegEdit – Live System

    • Extract Files Through RegEdit – Live System

    • Extract Files Through FTK Imager – Live System

    • Extract Files Through FTK Imager – Disk Image

    • Last Write Timestamps

    • Check Your Knowledge

    • Application Usage - Part 1

    • Application Usage - Part 2

    • Application Usage - Part 3

    • Application Usage - Part 4

    • Check Your Knowledge

    • Internet Browsing

    • Search Queries

    • Other Artifacts

    • Check Your Knowledge

    • Exercises 1 and 2

    • Exercises 1 and 2 Solutions

  • 08

    Investigating USB Thumb Drives

    • Required Files

    • Introduction to USB Forensics

    • How USBS Work

    • USB Registry Artifacts

    • USB Basic Information

    • Mounted Devices

    • MountPoints

    • Volume Serial Number

    • USB Timestamps

    • Check Your Knowledge

    • RegRipper USB Plugin

    • Use Case: USB Artifacts in Windows Registry

    • Introduction to USB Artifacts in Shellbags

    • Use Case: USB Artifacts in Windows Shellbags

    • USB Windows Event Viewer Artifacts

    • Using Windows Event Viewer

    • Extracting Logs from a Disk Image

    • USB Artifacts in the File

    • Parsing the Setupapi Log

    • Other USB Analysis Tools

    • Installing & Using USB Detective

    • NirSoft USBDeview

    • USB Artifacts Cheat Sheet

    • Check Your Knowledge

    • USB Forensics Hands-On

    • USB Forensics Hands-On Solution

  • 09

    Analyzing Shellbags

    • Introduction

    • Forensic Importance of Shellbags

    • ShellBags Explorer - GUI

    • ShellBags Explorer - Command Line

    • ShellBagsView

    • RegRipper

    • Introduction to Decoding Shellbags

    • BAGS

    • Lastwrite Timestamp

    • Lastwrite Timestamps Caveat

    • BAGMRU

    • Conclusion

    • Exercise 1

    • Exercise 2

  • 10

    Volume Shadow Copies

    • Volume Shadow Copies

    • Introduction

    • How VSS Works

    • Forensic Importance

    • Managing Volume Shadow Copies

    • Volume Shadow Copy Registry Management

    • VssAdmin

    • Knowledge Check

    • Accessing Live Volume Shadow Copies

    • Shadow Explorer

    • Extracting Files From A Volume Shadow Copy

    • Extracting Files From A Volume Shadow Copy - Exercise

    • Investigating VSC Registries

    • Accessing Forensic Image Volume Shadow Copies

    • Arsenal Image Mounter

    • VSCMount

    • VSC Binary Format

    • Catalog

    • Store

    • Knowledge Check

    • Conclusion

    • References

  • 11

    Windows Events

    • Windows Event Viewer Forensics

    • Navigating Windows Event Viewer

    • Searching For Events

    • Types of Events

    • Enabling Logs & Changing Log Settings

    • Enable Auditing Through Group Policy

    • Enable Logging through Event Viewer

    • Event Log Settings

    • Extracting and Importing Event Logs

    • Extracting an Event Log from a Disk Image

    • Importing an Event Log File

    • Check Your Knowledge

    • Event Logs Artifacts

    • System Log

    • Security Log #1

    • Security Log #2

    • Security Logs #3

    • Security Logs #4

    • Security Logs #5

    • Security Logs #6

    • Security Logs #7

    • Check your Knowledge

    • Application Log

    • Applications & Services Log #1

    • Applications & Services Log #2

    • Other Tools: Event Log Parser

    • Investigation Lab

    • Investigation Lab - Solutions

    • Conclusion

    • References

  • 12

    Windows Scheduled Tasks

    • Introduction to Scheduled Task

    • File Format

    • Scheduled Task Tools

    • Required Files

    • Lab 01 - Scheduled Tasks

    • Lab 01 - Scheduled Tasks Solutions

    • Extra Reading Resources

  • 13

    Windows Search

    • Fixing Windows.edb

    • Loading a Dirty vs Clean Windows.edb

    • Extra Reading Resources

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Your first steps to Windows Forensic Analysis

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Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, you will learn the following.

  • Ability to investigate Windows Basic Artifacts

  • Understand Timestamps & Timezone Conversions

  • Investigating Windows Program Execution Artifacts

  • Investigating Windows Registry and Windows Shellbags

  • Investigating USB Thumb Drives

  • Volume Shadow Copies & File History

  • Working with Windows Events Logs

  • Investigating Windows Scheduled Tasks

Technical Requirements

To complete the hands-on labs of this track

  • Basic knowledge of using a Virtual Machine

  • Basic Knowledge in Digital Forensic

  • Windows 10 operating system (recommended)

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